速報APP / 生產應用 / Wazamae Library

Wazamae Library





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Wazamae Library(圖1)-速報App

Wazamae Library is a time management tool.

This app managements your time that study, practice, training, and so on.

"Wazamae" means skill in Japanese.

So this app assists improvement of your skills.


* By using this app you can management your time like a game.

* You can record time that you trained something for example, study for exams, study for certifications, practice for piano, etc.

* Records are converted into EXP (1 second = 1 EXP).

* You can see statistics how long spent time for your skill.

* Depending on usage of app, you will get badges.


* First time you start app, initial setting screen will be shown.

* On title screen, you can register a new skill and open registered skills.

"Skill" is a game like expression which means work unit.

For example, task, work, ToDo, study, training, etc.

* When you register a new skill, setting screen will be shown.

Input skill name, choose mode, choose level up BGM.

- Mode selection

There are 3 modes for your measuring.

Wazamae Library(圖2)-速報App

1. Normal mode

On measuring, set maximum level and estimated completion time.

To next level EXP will be determined by above.

This mode is recommended when you determined a goal or period.

2. Challenge mode

On measuring, not set maximum level but set interval of improvement of your level.

To next level EXP will be determined by above.

This mode is recommended when there is no deadline and you want to check how high your skill improvement.

3. Archive mode

Archive skills what you have already.

This mode is recommended when you want to check or to take inventory your skills. (like Library)

* After you finished settings, measurement screen will be shown.

On this screen, you can measure time of your work like a stopwatch.

When you finished your work, you can save this time as EXP.

- If your measurement has been interrupted, you can resume next time from the count you interrupted.

* By tapping a menu button on measurement screen, you can see statistics.

You can switch chart type and showing range.

* By tapping a menu button on title screen, you can see badges.

Depending on usage of app, you will get badges and you can see them here as a list.

Wazamae Library(圖3)-速報App

There are hidden badges on the list and they appears when you get them.

Wazamae Library(圖4)-速報App